Up100h ultrasonic processor manual
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Ultrasonic Processor UP100H-230V for manual operation or for stand use, 100 watts, frequency. 30kHz, automatic frequency tuning system, amplitude adjustable. Ultrasonic Processor UP50H/UP100H. For manual operation or for stand use, frequency 30kHz, automatic frequency tuning system, amplitude adjustable 20% toultrasonic processors for the use in lab, bench-top and industry. Important applications are Ultrasonic Processor UP100H 0 115 volts 0 230 volts. This instruction manual applies for the two UP200S and. UP400S ultrasonic processors. The following designations are used: Ultrasonic processor. The generic Ultrasonic Processor UP50H/UP100H. For manual operation or for stand use, frequency 30kHz, automatic frequency tuning system, amplitude adjustable 20% to Ultrasonic processors for use in the laboratory. Purpose and use. This instruction manual shows you the construction and opera- tion of the UP50H and UP100H quency makes a manual precision adjustment unnecessary. Independent Ultrasonic processors for laboratories The ultrasonic processor UP100H. Hielscher - UP100HUP100H - Compact Ultrasonic Laboratory Device, The ultrasonic processor UP100H (100W, 30kHz) is the perfect device for the sonication of The ultrasonic processor UP100H (100W, 30kHz) is the perfect device for the sonication of small and medium size lab samples. This compact, yet powerful,
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